What is an Ulnar Ligament Injury? (1)
The elbow is a hinge joint. The humerus (arm bone), radius (large forearm bone), and ulna (small forearm bone) join to form the elbow joint. Ligaments hold the bones together. The ulnar ligament is a ligament on the lateral (outside) part of the elbow.
The ulnar ligament is susceptible to injury. A great deal of stress is placed on the ulnar ligament when throwing motions are performed. Overhead throwing athletes are most at risk to sustain an ulnar ligament injury. An injury can range from mild inflammation and irritation to a complete tear.
Dr Abdul D Khan
MBBS(AMC, Vizag) MRCS(Edin, UK) MRCS(Glasg, UK) FRCS(Tr & Orth, UK) CCT(Tr & Orth, UK)